
This is a translation of Delta10’s privacy declaration. Delta10 is incorporated at St.-Jacobsstraat 125, Utrecht, Netherlands. This translation strives to be a faithful rendition of the original text. Should any contradictions exist though, the Dutch language text prevails.

Personal data
Delta10 uses personal data when you visit its website, make use of one of our services, or whenever you choose to grant us access to this data. The following data is used:

  • Name;
  • Address;
  • Place of residence;
  • Telephone number;
  • E-mail address;
  • IP-address;
  • Any voluntarily submitted pieces of data.

Your personal data is used for the following purposes:

  • Sending our newsletter,
  • Administrative purposes and dealing with payments,
  • Processing job applications
  • Contacting you in relation to our services and products,
  • Delivering services and products to you,
  • The further management of established relationships including sales and marketing activities.
  • Improvement of our website by analysis of your behaviour.
  • We also make use of personal data wherever the law obliges us to, such as data required for submitting taxes.

Retention periods
Delta10 does not retain your personal data for any longer than necessary to achieve the goals for which the data was gathered. We use the following retention periods for the following (categories of) personal data:

  • Customers and suppliers: For the duration of the agreement. After the end of the agreement only the financial administration is kept for a maximum of 7 years.
  • Applicants: Six months.
  • Visitors of the website: Six months.
  • Contact form and email: The supplied data will be kept until you are satisfied with the way in which we have met your expectations.

Third parties
Delta10 does not sell your data to third parties, and solely passes on information in case this is mandated by law or when necessary for conducting our agreement with you. We enter into a processing agreement with any third parties that handle our data to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality Delta10 offers. Delta10 retains responsibility for the subsequent handling of data.

Automated decision making
We do not use automated decision making, by which is meant decision making by computer programs or systems without human involvement.

Through our newsletter interested parties are kept up-to-date about Delta10’s services, government IT developments, open software, and related events/aspects. Through our website you can subscribe. Unsubscribing is possible through a link included in our newsletter. Your name and email address are only added to our database of subscribers after explicit permission has been granted for such. Our database of subscribers is not shared with third parties.

This website does not use cookies.

Inspection, correction, and right to object
You have the right to review your personal data, to correct them and/or to have them removed. Besides this you have the right to retract any previously granted consent to use of personal data. Request for this can be addressed to:

Delta10 B.V.
St.-Jacobsstraat 125
3511BP Utrecht

Furthermore you have the possibility of submitting formal complaints to the Dutch personal data authority (“Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens”).

Delta10 takes the security of your data seriously and takes suitable measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unpermitted publication and unauthorised changes to which. Should you have the impression that your data is not well-protected or have indications of abuse then please contact us. Our page on Responsible Disclosure offers more information about how we deal with (suspected) vulnerabilities in our systems.

Changes to the privacy statement
We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement. Any changes will be automatically included into the published privacy statement.